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Kings Game Of Thrones

Kings in Westeros: A Guide to the Iron Throne and Beyond

The Iron Throne: Symbol of Power and Ambition

The Iron Throne is the iconic seat of power in Westeros, the realm featured in the popular fantasy series "Game of Thrones." It is made of 1,000 swords melted together and symbolizes the bloody conquest of the Seven Kingdoms.

The Lord of the Seven Kingdoms

The ruler of Westeros is known as the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. This title is inherited through birth, with the eldest male heir taking precedence. The current Lord of the Seven Kingdoms is King Bran Stark.

Beyond the Iron Throne: Other Kings in Westeros

While the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms holds sway over the largest realm in Westeros, there are numerous other kings and queens who rule over smaller territories.

Kings in the Reach

The Reach is a fertile region in southern Westeros. The current ruler is King Mern IX Gardener.

Kings Beyond the Wall

North of the Wall that marks the border of Westeros lies a vast wilderness known as the Lands of Always Winter. Beyond the Wall, there are numerous Free Folk kings, including Tormund Giantsbane and Mance Rayder.

Kings in Dispute and Pretenders

Throughout the history of Westeros, there have been numerous kings who have claimed the Iron Throne despite not having a legitimate claim. These pretenders often ignite wars and conflicts, vying for power.

The Dance of the Dragons

The Dance of the Dragons was a civil war that tore Westeros apart over the succession of King Viserys I Targaryen. Two rival factions, each backed by a different dragon, fought for control.

The Blackfyre Pretenders

The Blackfyre Pretenders were descendants of Daemon Blackfyre, a legitimized bastard of King Aegon IV Targaryen. They claimed the Iron Throne and fought several rebellions against the Targaryen dynasty.


The kings in Westeros are a diverse and fascinating group, each with their own ambitions and motivations. From the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms to the Free Folk kings beyond the Wall, these rulers shape the destiny of Westeros.
